July 15
Option 1
Golf at Bretwood
Location: 365 E Surry Road, Keene
Tentative tee time: 8:00 a.m.
To reserve your spot, email Patrick: patrick.hanrahan2 (at)
Option 2 (weather permitting)
Ware's Grove Beach, Spofford Lake
Meeting Location:
Organizer: MarySassin (at)
Option 3 (in case of bad weather)
Cheshire Children's Museum
Location: Colony Mill Marketplace, 2nd floor; 222 West Street, Keene
Organizer: MarySassin (at)
To email an event organizer, replace the "(at)" with an "@" symbol and remove the spaces. (I'm trying to prevent spambot attacks!)
July 16
July 16
Tour of West Swanzey
Meet at 9:30 in the Lobby of the Marriott. We will car pool to West Swanzey for a brief tour that should have us back in Keene by lunch time.
To join the tour, email Pete: pete.hanrahan (at)
Stonewall Farm - 3rd birthday party
Got kids? Join us for a "cowabunga" birthday party. The kids will get to milk a cow. Moo!
Location: 242 Chesterfield Rd, Keene
Time: 11:00 - 1:00
RSVP: MarySassin (at)
Dinner at The Pub
Location: 131 Winchester Street, Keene
Time: Social hour, 3:30 - 4:30; Group dinner, 4:30 - 6:00
To make a reservation, email Mary Hanrahan: hanrahans1 (at)
Band concert and play
75th Revival of the Old Homestead
Location: Potash Bowl Amphitheater, Swanzey Center (route 32, across from Town Hall)
Time: Concert, 6:45, Play, 7:30
Cost: Donation to playhouse
If you will be attending the play, email Pete: pete.hanrahan (at) The Old Homestead organizers will set a side a special section for the Hanrahan clan.
Mass for Walter and Agnes Hanrahan
Location: St. Bernard's Church, 173 Main Street, Keene
Time: 11:15 a.m.